Dear Rose, you were the rose that rose amongst
Thorns, against all odds
Beautiful and bold
Precious as gold
Until you were told; those sweet little lies that
Put your future on hold.
The once burning flames of hopes, dreams, and aspirations
Have since become ashes, and everything has withered like
The greens in winter. Just like beautiful petals of a flower
that has
Been scorched by the ultra-violet rays of the sun...
Everything you had
Has dried up like a shrivelled raisin in the sun.
Dear Rose, I wonder who took your pride away
Because your life seems to be getting worse each and every
And how you wish that things could turn out your way.
But at this point, it is pointless to point fingers at
others in an
Attempt to keep the truth at bay.
How could you, open your heart to a stranger...or maybe he
Promised to turn your life around, so you thought maybe he would
be a
Life-changer, a life-saviour but not suspecting any foul play
In his behaviour. See, we men deceive women more than
anything else
And most men have long mastered the art of transforming the woman's
Into anything that they want it to be.
This is not a funny but it sounds like a joke to me, when I come
to think of
The sequence of events most of which begin on a high note but
eventually end
In deepest sorrow.
Dear Rose, the story of your life is none less a tragedy,
and as I poetically
Narrate the ordeal that befell you, I feel like it all seems
like just a tale and
One may wish to begin it with "once upon a time"
which is a common begin
Phrase for most tales. Firstly, you opened your heart, then
you opened your
Mouth to declare that you were more than happy to
reciprocate his love for you.
And eventually,you opened that fragile feminine treasure box
and you exhausted
All those sacred, precious minerals that God stored in your
private treasure box;
A box which ought to be unlocked in wedlock. But look now,
you ard nothing
Less than a de-flowered flower.
Dear Rose, the walls which were covering you have since
developed some cracks and
In no time they will be crumbling down on your you. Young
woman, if only you knew that
Your prince charming would one day expose your short-comimg
in the area of self-control.
See, the once striking figure which used to be a centre of
attraction to the opposite sex has
Since taken a bulging shape, oh what a shame you brought to
Dear Rose, your downfall was not falling pregnant, but your
flaw was to fall for a man who
Wouldn't catch you when you fall... PREGNANT!
You told the whole world that he brightened up your days and
always put a smile on your face.
But little did you know that those beams of light would one
day turn too bright for your eyes to see his true colours. See, the irony of
the story is that the beams of light you used to bask under In the blissful days
are the very same beams of light that blinded you, but I don't blame you cause they
say "love is blind", hence you got blinded by love.
BUT dear Rose, despite all that you've gone through,
There is still a glimmer of hope, this is not the end of the
For while there is life there is hope, so, hopefully your
life will get better in time.
And please! Remember to take good care of yourself... Oh,
and the baby too!
I wish you good luck in everything you do, and may God be
with you,
Every step of your way.
Yours truly: Concerned Poet
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